Students in Mrs. Learn's class helped prepare and serve staff a Thanksgiving Feast to thank them for all they do for our school!
Fourth Grade students paraded through the building with floats showing their gratitude.
Kindergarten Feast
Kindergarten Feast
Kindergarten Feast
Kindergarten Feast
Kindergarten Feast
Kindergarten Feast
Kindergarten Feast
Kindergarten Feast
Kindergarten Feast
The Kindergarten Feast was a success! Thank you to the 128 guests who attended to have a special meal with our Kindergarten students! More pictures to follow!
On Friday, the 5th grade enrichment class met with entrepreneur Mr. Patrick Grab from Studio Grab. The students are currently learning about starting a business and being an entrepreneur!
Pre-K Pass the Fritters, Critters!
Bravesburgh 'Skyped A Scientist' with Iroquois Alumnus, Dr. Theresa Guise, to learn of careers in science-related fields, such as marine biology, as well as learn of the sharks we have been tracking through for mathematics class.
2nd Grade Gives to Others.
Student's have enjoyed cup stacking in Health and PE Class. Speed Stacks can be purchased at school for the next two weeks. Stop in the office for questions or maybe a Santa gift.
Glenn Stearns, the Undercover Billionaire, gave IES teachers a shout-out over the weekend when he met first grade teacher, Mrs. Zukowski!
Well done 3rd grade and talk about Braves TEAMWORK! Mr. Trapp's class worked together to make a giant cup stacking tower with Mrs. Cadden in PE today. A special congratulations goes out to the class from Mrs. Cadden for not knocking it over before she could get a picture!
Mrs. Bayhurst's Kindergarten class visited the office today to sing a song about the MayFlower. Students created their own ships to move along with the song.