REMINDER - Your input is important to us! Please participate in the Thoughtexchange regarding our school reopening plans for next year. Deadline to participate is June 9th at Midnight.
over 4 years ago, Kelly Titus
A school year at the Greatest Elementary School on the Planet isn't complete without the IES Field Day dunk tank! We hope you splish, splash your way into summer! Video Link:
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
REMINDER - Your input is important to us! Please participate in the Thoughtexchange regarding our school reopening plans for next year. Deadline to participate is June 9th at Midnight.
over 4 years ago, Kelly Titus
Hello, IES Families! It is the last day of school and our Virtual Move Up day is here! Students can meet some of their teachers and learn what awaits next year. We will keep updating the site today with more content as it comes. Check it out at this link: "Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy"- Anne Frank
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Smith, IES Counselor
Parents - we need your input on the reopening of District schools to assist us in our reopening plan for the fall. To gather your feedback, we're using a tool called Thoughtexchange. All of our voices matter, so your participation is crucial and valued. Go to this URL to participate: Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
over 4 years ago, Kelly Titus
Good Morning IES! We hope you enjoy the final performance episode of IES's Masked Singer/Reader! Once you've figured out who the masked figures are, send your guesses to Mrs. Foutz at ! Video Link:
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Check out students being safe, kind, and responsible this week along with and a special challenge from Miss Pierce! YouTube Channel Link: Miss Pierce's challenge Video Link:
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good Morning parents and students of the Greatest Elementary School on the Planet! As our students finish up the school year, please plan to return completed packets to IES by 3:30 on Wednesday, June 3. The IES office is open from 7:30-3:30 daily for packet drop-off. Check with your child's teacher regarding the due date for virtual assignments. Report cards will be mailed on June 9. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Erie Front Porch Fest - June 6, 2:00 PM. Replacing Food Truck Festival event for 2020. More info under News on all Iroquois website.
over 4 years ago, Kelly Titus
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Vrenna
Check out this week's birthday celebration, students being safe, kind, and responsible, and The IES Puppy Bowl! YouTube Channel Link: Puppy Bowl Link:
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good morning! If you are in need of a packet for the last two weeks of school, packet pick-up at IES is today from 9-noon. Completed packets can be turned in at this time as well. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Check out this week's birthday celebration, students being safe, kind, and responsible, and Episode #4 of the Masked Singer! YouTube Channel Link: Masked Singer Video Link:
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Hello, IES Families! We are happy to present to you our annual Career Day, virtually! Check out our Virtual Career Day website at and have fun exploring activities & videos from our community professionals!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Smith, IES Counselor
Good evening! If you still need to pick up your student's belongings, please come to the IES bus loop tomorrow, Thursday, May 21, between 9am and noon. You may also return library items at this time. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow! Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
MEAL UPDATE- Distribution following Memorial Day holiday will be on Tues., May 26 (11 am-1 pm). May 29th distribution returns to 9-11 am at both locations. Tuesday distribution includes breakfast/lunch for 3 days. Friday distribution will include breakfast/lunch for 4 days.
over 4 years ago, Kelly Titus
In the spirit of nicer weather, Mrs. Barringer would like to offer a great resource if you'd like to participate in an at-home field day with many fun events using common household items! Send us pictures of your field day fun! Video Link:
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good afternoon! If you were not able to pick up student belongings at IES, there are 2 additional pick-up times. You may pick up from 5:30-7:00 pm on Weds, 5/20 or from 9:00am-12:00pm on Thurs, 5/21. Library books can also be returned! Call the IES office with questions. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Printing of our yearbooks have been delayed due to the stay-at-home order. A message will be sent out to everyone that has ordered a yearbook with pickup details once they arrive. At this time there are no extra copies. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
over 4 years ago, Ms. Womack
PreK Registration - Please call the Iroquois Office @ 899-7643, ext. 2001 to have the PreK Enrollment paperwork mailed to you. Child must be 4 years old by September 1, 2020.
over 4 years ago, Brenda Tombaugh