Good afternoon IES families! Yearbooks are now on sale! Don’t miss out on the chance to buy this year's yearbook, entitled “A Year In Our Shoes” for your child! Orders can be placed online at the link below with the IES yearbook code 11471321 or by sending your payment in with your student by 3/26. If you need another yearbook order form, please contact Ms. Womack at or 814.899.7643, ext. 2000. Thank you! Link to purchase yearbook:
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Hello IES Families! Just as a reminder we are still looking for parent and family input on upcoming parent engagement programming. If you are interested in providing feedback please click on the link below and fill out the optional parent questionnaire by 2/19/21. Thanks! Link:
almost 4 years ago, Veronica Will
Hello Kids Heart Challenge Rockstars! We are doing a fantastic job with the KHC fundraiser and are less than $1000 from our goal! We will wrap things up the week of March 1st, so there is still plenty of time to sign up and get those last donations in. Sign up today at
almost 4 years ago, Veronica Will
Good evening IES families! Just a reminder, Valentine’s Day will be celebrated in the classroom tomorrow Friday, February 12th. In order to maintain our COVID-19 mitigation strategies please refrain from sending in candy, goodie bags, cards and/or other items. Students will still have the opportunity to celebrate because the teachers and staff at IES will be planning and running the Valentine’s Day parties in a similar fashion to the Halloween and Winter parties! The party activities will allow for students to stay in their classroom and remain socially distanced. Treats, snacks, and activities will be provided by the district. We are looking forward to a fun and safe day tomorrow!
almost 4 years ago, Veronica Will
Calling all parents of IES 5th and 6th graders! Is your student interested in participating in an after school virtual food/nutrition creation program? If so, please fill out this survey below! If you have any questions, please e-mail Kerrie Grande, Community School Director, at! Thank you! Link to survey:
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good afternoon IES Braves! The staff and administration at IES are interested in hosting virtual parent workshops and we are looking for your input. If you are interested in providing feedback on topics that would be beneficial to you and your family please complete the optional survey at the link below by Friday, February 19th. Thank you for your participation! Link:
almost 4 years ago, Veronica Will
Good evening IES Braves! As the weather gets colder this week we just wanted to send a reminder about drop-off procedures. Students can not be dropped off at the elementary school until 8AM every day. Thank you for partnering with us to ensure students are staying safe and warm. Have a great night!
almost 4 years ago, Veronica Will
Hello IES families! We are so excited to announce that our Kids Heart Challenge event is coming up the first week of March! This is an opportunity for our community to learn about some great ways to stay heart healthy and raise money for an awesome cause. Information will be sent home with all students in grades K-4. Please consider taking part in our Kids Heart Challenge fundraiser by registering your child at the link:
almost 4 years ago, Veronica Will
Kids Heart Challenge
IES is happy to celebrate Kindness week this week! Each day, students are encouraged to participate in the fun themes and kindness-related activities! Please feel free to have your students join in the fun! A complete schedule for the week can be found at the following link:
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Iroquois Elementary School is committed to providing safe and fun holiday parties this year. As a reminder, we will be hosting a belated winter party on Friday, January 22nd. Students will be provided with a snack, craft, and will be allowed to wear PJs. Valentine’s Day will be celebrated in the classroom on Friday, February 12th. In order to maintain our COVID-19 mitigation strategies please refrain from sending in candy, goodie bags, cards and/or other items. Students will still have the opportunity to celebrate because the teachers and staff at IES will be planning and running the Valentine’s Day parties in a similar fashion to the Halloween and Winter parties! The party activities will allow for students to stay in their classroom and remain socially distanced. Treats, snacks, and activities will be provided by the district. We ask that if you would like to contribute to the parties, haven’t done so already, and are able to, please send in $1 to your child’s classroom to help cover the cost of the Valentine’s Day party. Please send in the money by Friday, February 5th. If you have any questions or concerns reach out to the IES office at 814 899-7643. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Veronica Will
Good Morning IES Braves! On Friday, January 22nd, the elementary school will be hosting a belated classroom winter celebration as promised! All students will receive a craft and snack. We will also be celebrating exceptional student behavior during the 2nd quarter. Students will be permitted to wear PJs and any student who received a Bee during the 2nd quarter will be eligible to win a prize basket. We are excited to be able to reschedule this celebration for our students. Go Braves!
almost 4 years ago, Veronica Will
Winter Celebration
Good afternoon IES families! As a reminder, there is no school for students on Monday, January 18, 2021. Have a wonderful weekend!
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
No School
On the morning of Wednesday, January 13, 2021, we were informed of one positive COVID-19 case impacting Iroquois Elementary School. The Iroquois School District has followed the health and safety plan in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The individual was last on site on Friday, January 8, 2021 and all contact tracing is complete for the school building. For all details, please see link to the entire letter to parents and staff from the Superintendent and Elementary School Principal. Link to letter:
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good morning IES families! The school year is well underway, and our students are doing great! Teachers have been working hard to continue meeting the needs of each and every student in their classrooms, while maintaining a safe learning environment. Parent/teacher conferences are an opportunity for teachers to share the academic strengths and discuss the social progress of students. This year you will have the option for either a phone conference or a Zoom video conference with your child’s teacher on Tuesday, January 26. We are using an online system, PTCFast, for scheduling the conferences this year, which makes sign-ups as convenient as possible. When signing up, please list either phone conference or Zoom meeting in the space provided. Please visit the following website to register for a conference time. If you do not have internet access, please contact us via phone at 814-899-7643 x2000 to set up your conference. Thank you! Conference Link:
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good morning IES Braves! As the weather continues to become colder and snowier, please remember to send students to school with coats, boots, hats, and gloves. One of the parameters for outside recess includes a real feel temperature above 25 degrees. Students will continue to go outside for recess as long as the weather conditions allow it. If you need assistance please reach out to the front office at [(814) 899-7643 x2000] . Stay warm!
almost 4 years ago, Veronica Will
Today was a celebration day at IES! All students who eat in the cafeteria were rewarded with a free ice cream treat for following all of the cafeteria COVID guidelines. A special thanks to our cafeteria team for making this possible! Have a great weekend!
about 4 years ago, Veronica Will
Ice cream reward
Ice cream reward
Good afternoon! As another month of school comes to a close, we have new Braves to celebrate! Please take a moment to view the December Principal's Braves to Brag About video! The video highlights some of our amazing IES Braves and their accomplishments! Link to video:
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
In the afternoon of Tuesday, January 5, 2021, we were informed of one positive COVID-19 case impacting Iroquois Elementary School. The Iroquois School District has followed the health and safety plan in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The individuals was last on site on Monday, January 4, 2021 and all contact tracing is complete for the school building. For all details, please see link to the entire letter to parents and staff from the Superintendent and Elementary School Principal. Link to letter:
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
In the morning of Tuesday, January 5, 2021, we were informed of one positive COVID-19 case impacting Iroquois Elementary School. The Iroquois School District has followed the health and safety plan in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The individuals was last on site on Monday, January 4, 2021 and all contact tracing is complete for the school building. For all details, please see link to the entire letter to parents and staff from the Superintendent and Elementary School Principal. Link to letter:
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
IES was beyond pleased to welcome back our students after a few weeks of virtual instruction and the holiday break! Thanks to Mr. B (one of our awesome AmeriCorps members) for making these signs for us!
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Welcome Back!
Welcome Back!
Welcome Back!
Welcome Back!