We can’t wait to see our incoming PreK through 6th grade students at tonight’s Back to School Bonanza! The entire event is being held outside in the Iroquois Elementary School bus loop from 6:00-7:30 and will feature snacks, games, fun, and prizes! Because this is an outdoor event, there will be no access to the Iroquois Elementary School building. Students and families will have a chance to see the inside of the building and visit their teachers next Thursday, August 26 from 6:00-7:30 at our Open House event. See you soon!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
back to school bonanza
IES Families: As a reminder, if you are interested in learning about Iroquois Elementary School's NEW cyber academy join our Zoom meeting at 4PM. The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the IES website if you are unable to attend. Thanks! Link to meeting: https://bit.ly/3iXYqyv
over 3 years ago, Veronica Will
Attention Families: If you are interested in learning more regarding Iroquois Elementary School's NEW Cyber Academy please attend an informational Zoom Meeting tomorrow at 4PM. A link to the meeting will be on the IES website and sent out prior to the start of the meeting. The meeting will also be recorded and posted if you are unable to attend. If you have any questions, please call the IES office at (814) 899-7643 x2000. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Veronica Will
The Iroquois School District Board of Directors will be voting on the District’s 2021-2022 Health and Safety Plan. A draft of the plan which is up for approval on August 17th is posted at the following link. This plan is required to be posted on our District’s website. If you would like to make any comments on this draft, please email your comments to HealthSafety@iroquois.iu5.org. You can view the draft here: https://bit.ly/3CTTN06
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good afternoon IES families! Letters containing information about students' homeroom teachers, arrival/dismissal, and bussing were mailed out today. Upon receiving your letter, please contact the IES office at (814) 899-7643 x2000 if you have any questions. If you did not receive a school supply list, please click on the following link to access a folder containing the supply lists and other helpful documents for the school year. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events! Thank you! Link to supply lists: https://bit.ly/3iPPhYR
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Attention incoming 5th and 6th grade students: This year you will be able to choose between Band or Chorus for your Music special. Please use the link below to fill out a survey and make your selection! We can't wait to see you in a few weeks! Link to survey: https://bit.ly/2VQo67c
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Attention incoming Pre-K through 6th grade IES students!!! Iroquois Elementary School has two upcoming events for you and your families to attend! First, we will be hosting a Back to School Bonanza in our bus loop on Thursday, August 19 from 6:00-7:30. There will be games, prizes, face painting, and snacks free of charge for families to enjoy! We hope you are able to join in the fun and we look forward to seeing you! Should there be inclement weather, there is no rain date for this event. In addition, the Iroquois Elementary School Open House will take place Thursday, August 26, 2021 from 6:00-7:30. Open House is an opportunity for you and your student to meet his/her teacher prior to the start of the school year. If you have questions about either of these events please contact the IES office at (814) 899-7643 x2000. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Back to School Bonanza
Attention Iroquois Families! We are currently enrolling Kindergarten students for the upcoming school year. If your child will be five years old by September 1, 2021, he/she is eligible for Kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year. You can register your student for Kindergarten by stopping in to the Iroquois Elementary School office to pick up a packet, calling (814) 899-7643 x 2001 and requesting a packet be mailed to you, or visiting https://bit.ly/3wC57tI to download a packet. We look forward to welcoming your student to Kindergarten this fall! If you have any questions regarding enrollment, please contact the IES office. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Attention students entering 5th, 6th, and 7th grades: From July 26th through August 6th, Iroquois will be having a Beginning Band Blast-Off Camp for students entering 5th, 6th, and 7th grade. This is a chance to get a head start learning an instrument and being part of the band! Students will receive several 1-hour lessons on their chosen instrument. Choices include brass, woodwinds, and percussion. For more information and to sign up, please email Mr. Wise at cwise@iroquois.iu5.org. We hope to see you there! For a complete schedule, please click on the following link: https://bit.ly/36KMA3X
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good afternoon IES families! Please note that the IES office will be closed Friday, July 9, 2021 for cleaning. The office will re-open on Monday, July 12 at 7:30 AM. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good morning! As another month of school comes to a close, we have new Braves to celebrate! Please take a moment to view the end of year Principal's Braves to Brag About video! The video highlights the accomplishments of some of our amazing IES Braves! Video Link: https://youtu.be/9iO4jU68P_M
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Attention Parents: If you are dropping your child off for summer camp today, please enter through the bus loop off Tyndall Ave due to road construction on Morse Street. Thanks!
over 3 years ago, Veronica Will
Good Afternoon IES Families! As a reminder, IES is hosting it's Spring Title 1 Parent Meeting via Zoom today, 6/21/21, at 4PM. The topics covered at this meeting include: summer enrichment bags, summer programming opportunities, and important Title 1 parent information. Click the link below to join the meeting at 4. Hope to "see" you today at 4! Link: https://iroquoisiu5.zoom.us/j/83884004811?pwd=d0Zud3Y3bUY5cXpiYUh1YUIxUmdFQT09
over 3 years ago, Veronica Will
Attention IES Families! Please join us for our end of year Title 1 Parent meeting on Monday, June 21st 2021 at 4PM via Zoom. We will be discussing summer enrichment, summer programming opportunities, and important information regarding our Title 1 programming. The Zoom link will be posted on the IES website and sent out prior to the meeting. We hope to "see" you there!
over 3 years ago, Veronica Will
Online Parent Meeting
This Saturday, June 5th, Walmart will be hosting the free vaccine clinic at Iroquois High School. Please enter through lobby doors between the hours of 10am-1pm. Minors must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. No appointments are needed and it is open to all students and families ages 12 and older. You are asked to bring insurance information if it is available. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Karen Barringer at the Ext. 6109. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good morning families! As a reminder, the last day of the 2020-2021 school year is Thursday, June 10, 2021. We look forward to these last two weeks we get to spend to spend with your children! Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Dear IES Families- A reminder that IES is partnering up with the Achievement Center to provide mental health supports over the summer for students via Group Therapy. If you are interested in your child participating, please complete this quick 7-question survey by June 1. Participation in Group Therapy would not affect your child’s ability to continue with individual therapy he/ she may already be receiving. Link to families: https://bit.ly/3fFIo9H
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
The Iroquois School District would like to hold a COVID Vaccine Clinic on site Saturday, June 5th. This event would be for all Iroquois community members over the age of 12. In order to facilitate this program with our local Walmart Pharmacy we are asking you to complete the interest survey located on the school district website. Responses must be received by Friday, May 28.
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
From School Counselor Mrs. Smith- Over the past year families have reached out to us requesting additional mental health supports in for our students community. IES is partnering up with the Achievement Center to meet some of the identified mental health needs by providing Group Therapy over the summer break right in our school building. If you are interested in your child participating, please complete this 7-question survey by June 1. More information will be shared with interested families. Link to families: https://bit.ly/3fFIo9H
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
COVID VACCINES - The Iroquois School District would like to hold a COVID Vaccine Clinic onsite Saturday, June 5th. This would be the Pfizer two dose vaccine with the second dose given on June 26th. This event would be for all Iroquois community members over the age of 12. Anyone under the age of 18 will need parental permission and a parent on-site. There is no cost for this vaccine but you are asked to bring insurance card for verification. Vaccines will still be given if you do not have insurance. In order to facilitate this program with our local Walmart Pharmacy we are asking you to complete the attached interest survey. Responses must be received by Friday, May 28. https://formsoffice.com/r/vn3icw8eH3
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz