Hardworking Fourth Grade students who took on the challenge of completing extra Science work and showing proficiency on the concepts were given the opportunity to make Elephant Toothpaste today! Congratulations to our Super Scientists!!
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Our very own IES chorus made us proud by singing the National Anthem at tonight’s Erie Otters game! They did an amazing job!
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good afternoon IES families! We’ve had such a blast this week celebrating our Kids Heart Challenge and students had so much fun with today's CoLoR bLaSt incentive! Have a wonderful weekend! Feel free to view the video of today's fun at this link: https://youtu.be/TQFmfjwPhfk
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
A message from Mrs. Cadden: Hello Heart Heroes! We’ve had such a blast this week celebrating our Kids Heart Challenge and we’re so excited for the CoLoR bLaSt incentive tomorrow afternoon! As we wrap everything up, just a small reminder that all donations are due by Friday morning. Thanks for your participation this year!
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Health and Safety Plan Update: Starting on March 2nd, 2022 - masks will not be required on district transportation. Masks are still strongly recommended as one layer of protection against COVID-19 on buses and in school. Thank you for your continued support as we continue to provide quality in-person instruction.
about 3 years ago, Brenda Tombaugh
Good Afternoon 5th and 6th Grade Families! IES will hold the 5th and 6th grade band concert tonight in the IES gym at 6:30PM. In order to accommodate all families, students are limited to 2 guests. Masks are optional for the event. We look forward to seeing you tonight for an evening of music!
about 3 years ago, Veronica Will
Hello IES Families! Please click on the following link for important information about our Kids Heart Challenge! https://bit.ly/3v9ujL4
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Good afternoon IES Families! Please enjoy the Quarter 2 Principal's Awards and Braves to Brag About video! Thank you to all of our faculty and staff for nominating students for both honors. You can see all of our amazing students highlighted in the video at the following link. Have a great evening! https://youtu.be/crxcX-7l4Lg
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Hello IES families!! As a reminder, there is no school on Friday, February 18 or Monday, February 21. We look forward to seeing everyone back here on Tuesday, February 22. Have a great weekend!
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
No School
Attention Kids Heart Warriors! Students in grades K-4 are working hard to raise awareness and funds for the American Heart Association, as well as participating in heart-healthy activities in their specials classes! There is still 2 weeks left to register and join in the fun to help us reach our goal. There are already so many kids that get to color blast Mrs. Cadden and Mrs. Foutz, so let’s see how many more we can get! Register today at http://www2.heart.org/goto/IESrocks If you'd like to learn some more information about the Principal's Challenge, check out the video at this link: https://youtu.be/Y1YRPX0lyXA
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
IES was happy to host our second round of “French Toast with our Favorites” today for students and families in two of our Kindergarten classes! Thank you to the Nutrition Group for a great meal and our volunteers for their help! It was wonderful to see how happy our students were to eat breakfast with some of their favorite people! Thank you to the Kindergarten Team for making this wonderful opportunity happen for our students!
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
French Toast with Favorites
French Toast with Favorites
French Toast with Favorites
French Toast with Favorites
IES was happy to host “French Toast with our Favorites” today for students and families in two of our Kindergarten classes! Thank you to the Nutrition Group for a great meal and our volunteers for their help! We can’t wait to host the other two Kindergarten classes next week!
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
French Toast with Favorites
French Toast with Favorites
French Toast with Favorites
French Toast with Favorites
Hello IES families! Tomorrow, Friday, February 11 is the last day to purchase a 2021-2022 IES yearbook for only $10.00! If you haven’t had a chance to order a yearbook yet, you still have time! Please visit https://inter-state.com/order and enter the code 66285D to get started. Don’t miss your chance to have this amazing book of memories! Please call the IES office at 814-899-7643 x2000 with any questions. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
There is only a few days left to get your IES Yearbook! To order, go to inter-state.com/order and enter code 66285D. Yearbooks are only $10! Flyers are available in the office
about 3 years ago, Ms. Womack
Thank you to The Nutrition Group for orchestrating an Ice Age-themed lunch for our students, complete with music and prizes. Students had a wonderful time interacting with the staff and enjoyed some special treats! We are thankful for our continued partnership with The Nutrition Group We look forward to many more celebrations!
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Ice Age lunch
Ice Age lunch
Ice Age lunch
Ice Age lunch
Good Afternoon IES Families! Due to the weather conditions, we will be cancelling after-school tutoring and homework help for today. Students who traditionally attend these programs will be sent home by their usual transportation method. If your student will require a transportation change due to the cancellation of these programs, please contact the IES office as soon as you can, so we can communicate that information with their classroom teachers. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Hello Iroquois Elementary families! On Monday, January 31, we will kick off this year’s Kids Heart Challenge road trip! Over the next month, we will learn how to be heart healthy and help raise awareness and funds for the American Heart Association. Kids can earn prizes and the chance to do fun things like sliming their teachers! Any student who raises $150 by 1/31 will be recognized and earn Captain KHC. Register your child(ren) today at heart.org/khc
about 3 years ago, Cadden Jennifer
Kids Heart 2021
Good morning IES families! Out of an abundance of caution, we will be shifting our Parent/Teacher conference format to ONLY a phone conference or a Zoom conference with your child’s teacher. If you have already scheduled your conference and planned to attend in person, please contact your child’s teacher to let him/her know whether you prefer a phone or Zoom conference, and he/she will provide you with the necessary information to facilitate a successful conference. Thank you! Link to update letter: https://bit.ly/3w8lqzz
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz
Please be aware that Erie County is at High Spread Level. Under our District Health and Safety Plan, we require masking for all next week.
about 3 years ago, Brenda Tombaugh
Good afternoon parents/guardians! We are looking forward to our upcoming Parent/Teacher conferences, on Thursday, January 27, 2022. If you have not yet signed up for a conference with your child's homeroom teacher, please click on the link to learn more information. As a reminder, AM Pre-K and PM Pre-K remain in-session on conference days. Thank you! Link to letter: https://bit.ly/3w8lqzz
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Foutz