IES Parent-Teacher conferences are coming up on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Please click the following link for more information. Thank you! Link:
The Nutrition Group is now hiring positions and substitute positions within the Iroquois School District. Please visit : and Search careers: Iroquois.
As a reminder, school is not in session on Monday, October 10, 2022. Enjoy the long weekend, and we will see you on Tuesday!
IES Families: October is National Bullying Prevention Month! Be on the lookout for resources and activities in the upcoming weeks that will support our school & community in being safe, kind, and responsible. Have a great day!
IES Families: The IES Fall Fundraiser ends on Monday, October 3, 2022 so there are only a few more days to put any last minute orders in. Please click on the link to learn more information about the fundraiser:
The 5th/6th grade girls basketball team brought home their first win on Friday at Cambridge Springs by a 16 - 6 score. We are so proud that they are working hard and enjoying each day. Well done girls!
The Iroquois Girls Soccer Team will be having a Pancake Breakfast and Chinese Auction on Sunday, October 9th from 8:00 am - 10:00 am at Applebee's, 4002 Buffalo Road. Come and support our Lady Braves.
Hello IES families! This is just a reminder that the IES spiritwear sale ends tomorrow, Friday, September 23. Please click on the link for more information and to see the items in color. Order forms with money can be sent to the IES office. Thank you! Link to order form:
We are rolling out the Red Carpet for YOU, Miss Grande! Thank you for all the work that you do to serve students, families, and our community. #COORDINATORSROCK
In Miss Schlee's class, we spend a lot of time talking about growth mindset and having a positive attitude. We learned to "trash our stinky thinking" and replace it with good thoughts. We can even visit our affirmation station to help remind ourselves how awesome we are!
Attention all 4th grader girls! Interested in playing basketball? Come to practice this Saturday , September 24th at the elementary gym from 9-10:30. Hope to see you there!
From Mrs. Moser: Attention all Seussical cast members! We will be having our first meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, September 21, 2022 after school until 4:45. Parent(s)/guardian(s), please make sure to pick up your child promptly at 4:45 at the IES entrance. See you all there!
The IES Fall Fundraiser is now underway and ends Monday, October 3, 2022. If you have any questions, call the IES office at (814) 899-7643 x2000 Thank you! Please click on the link to learn more information about the fundraiser:
As a reminder, students may bring in money, or add money to their "School Cafe" app, to purchase additional snacks and treats during lunch! Check out the "Nutrition Group Food Services" under the "Our School" section of the IES website for more information.
IES is so proud of our 5th and 6th grade girls basketball team. They are working hard to improve their skills and earn their free throw and hustle awards. Rumor has it, they begged their coach for an extra practice today, which was supposed to be their day off! Keep up the great work, girls!
Good evening IES families! As a reminder, tomorrow is picture day at IES! Order your pictures at using code 71093VF. Call the IES office at (814) 899-7643 x2000 with any questions. See you tomorrow!
Attention 4th, 5th, and 6th grade families! The Iroquois Elementary School Drama Club is excited to put on Seussical the Musical Jr. this year. Auditions will be held on Monday, September 12th or Thursday, September 15th afterschool from 3:30-4:45PM. Students only need to audition on one day. If your student would like to audition they must sign up outside the music room door. If you have any questions contact Mrs. Moser. We are excited to have an elementary production this year!
Picture day is coming up on Tuesday, September 13. You can order your pictures today at using code 71093VF Please call the IES office at (814) 899-7643 x2000 with any questions.
Order your pictures today at using code 71093VF
We had a wonderful first week back at IES! There were a few tears, even more smiles, and lots of laughs! We are excited that the 2022-2023 school year is off to a great start! As a reminder, there is no school on Monday, September 5. We will see you back on Tuesday, September 6. Have a great weekend!